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How To Keep Cats Out Of Raised Garden Beds?

    How To Keep Cats Out Of Raised Garden Beds?

    Dedicated gardeners frequently encounter the difficulty of safeguarding their cherished plants against interested feline visitors.

    Gaining knowledge regarding non-destructive methods to discourage cats from using raised garden beds can effectively ensure the integrity of your garden and promote ecological balance.

    In this article, we will examine some of the methods for keeping cats away from raised garden beds.

    How To Keep Cats Out Of Raised Garden Beds?

    Felines, renowned for their curiosity, may perceive your garden plots as alluring locations for investigation or even a receptacle for litter. Understanding their behaviour is crucial for effectively deterring them.

    It is critical to keep cats away from garden plots to safeguard your plants and preserve the orderliness of your outdoor area. Furthermore, it is essential for the welfare of both your companion animals and the fauna that frequents your garden.

    Here are some suggestions for preventing cats from moving away from raised garden beds.

    1. Products For Deterring Cats

    Plant Strong-Smelling Plants.

    Some vegetation is repulsive to cats, who will avoid them. Local felines will find the entire area offensive once they plant them. Consider planting one or more of these plants in areas of your yard that you do not want cats to disturb, such as near your garden or interspersed among your garden plants.

    • Lavender
    • Rue
    • Geranium
    • Absinthe
    • Thyme for lemon
    • Roses with thorns
    • Coleus canina is often known as the “Scaredy Cat Plant.”

    Make Use Of Dried Herbs Or Scented Oils 

    If you don’t want to plant herbs or other plants that cats dislike, you can scatter dried versions or sprinkle essential oils from these plants over your yard to get the same effect.

    • Dried rue and lavender can be found online or at some gardening supply stores. Lavender, lemongrass, citronella, citrus, and eucalyptus essential oils can be obtained in select supermarkets or health and beauty stores.
    • You can also try rubbing essential oils on the rims of plant containers.
    • If you can’t find these herbs or oils, adding cayenne pepper to the dry spices can have a comparable effect.

    Sprinkle Citrus Peels Across The Garden

    The majority of cats dislike citrus. Scatter fresh or dried peels of lemons, oranges, grapefruits, or other citrus fruits over your garden’s soil for a quick and easy remedy. The cats will not be harmed, but the odor will lead them to seek a more desirable location.

    2. By Erecting Impediments

    Chicken Wire Fence

    Chicken wire fencing can be put on the ground to keep cats from digging in the garden. Extra big “hairpins” made by cutting wire coat hangers in half can fasten the wire. Most plants may quickly grow through the wire. If necessary, cover the wire with a thin layer of mulch.

    Electric Fence

    Single or multiple strands of low-voltage electric fence can be used to teach cats that the garden is not for them. Short fiberglass rods are wrapped with poly wire strands or ribbons. With proper care, the poly wire will last for several years.

    Lattice Fence

    Before you plant your seeds, cover the earth with lattice fencing. The fencing gaps will make the area undesirable to wandering cats.

    Cats dislike digging and playing on rough surfaces. You can protect portions of your yard by applying a thin layer of safe materials.

    • Mulch with a rough texture
    • Pinecones with prickly spines
    • Stones and pebbles

    Scat Mats

    Scat mats (sold at garden supply stores) are flexible plastic spike-covered plastic mats. The spikes are soft enough not to hurt cats, but they will dislike the feel and keep cats away from your garden beds.

    3. Mulches 

    Cats dislike treading on rough or thorny surfaces, so spread pinecones, brush, or twigs across the soil’s surface. Thorny rose, holly, or raspberry trimmings are highly effective but will injure you, so wear gloves. Rough mulches, such as gritty wood chips or stones, are difficult for them to dig in.

    4. Distribute Quantities Of Your Hair Throughout The Garden

    In principle, many feral cats dislike the smell of human hair. As a result, laying bunches of your hair around your garden can keep neighborhood strays at bay.

    Pull hair off your hairbrushes and combs, or have your barber keep it for you. Arrange the strands in bunches around the edge of your garden.

    Domesticated cats accustomed to the aroma of human hair may still be motivated by this strategy.

    5. Keeping Cats Away

    Use An Ultrasonic Device

    These produce a high-frequency sound that cats dislike but that humans cannot hear. These gadgets are motion-activated, so when a cat goes by, the high-frequency sound startles it and causes it to flee. Ultrasonic devices can be found at pet stores and used to create a barrier around your garden.


    • Cats try to avoid being wet; a burst of water can be a powerful deterrent.
    • Motion-actuated sprays are one way to accomplish this, but they are incredibly pricey. Home improvement stores sell motion-activated sprinklers. When a cat wanders by, the sprinkler activates, spraying a burst of water. Because most cats dislike getting wet, this can be an effective deterrent. Make a border around your garden using motion-activated sprinklers.

    6. Presenting A Peace Offering

    Make A Sandbox For Your Cat

    A new or old sandbox, at least the size of a large litter box, can be used to make an alternate outdoor litter box for cats. Fill it with soft, fine-grained sand, which cats particularly enjoy. Cats may be drawn to the sandbox instead of your garden and utilize it similarly to a litterbox.

    Bring Cats To A Cat Garden

    If you want to keep cats out of your garden but are okay with them in other parts of your yard, create a cat-friendly area. Cats will be drawn to places with certain plants and will hopefully leave the rest of your yard alone. Make a small plot and plant one or more non-toxic plants. 

    Protecting your garden from feline intruders requires a multi-pronged approach. You can efficiently keep cats out of raised garden beds by using natural deterrents, creating physical barriers, and keeping consistency in garden management.

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